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Things You Must Know About Acupuncture

Acupuncture has been used to treat many health problems for centuries. This treatment is based on traditional Chinese medicine and can help reduce pain and other symptoms with the use of thin needles.

Whether you are planning to have acupuncture done or study it, there are some things that you must know.

1. Its not painful
Although needles are placed into your skin during the treatment, these needles are quite thin. In reality, they are much thinner than the needles used for injections. When facial acupuncture needles are entered into your skin, you won’t feel anything other than a little pressure.

2. It requires multiple sessions
Although acupuncture is an effective form of pain relief, it takes more than one treatment in order to get long-term benefits. Based on your pain, the acupuncturist may suggest you come in for many more treatments.

3. Eat before you treat
It is essential to have something in your stomach before going in for an acupuncture treatment. This is strongly recommended to have enough energy and it also helps reduce the risk of dizziness during the treatment.

4. Needles are used once
If you are thinking that the same needles that are used on other clients will be used on you as well, then you are wrong. Acupuncturists are required to dispose of the used needles and treat each patient with new and sanitized needles.

5.Wear loose clothes
Wearing loose clothes help acupuncturists to easily get to the targeted areas without you having to remove any clothing.

There are so many things that people don’t know about acupuncturists and others have misconceptions. However, knowing these things can help you understand things in a better way.